Back to School Carpet Cleaning Special Offer

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or: (609)888-1700
Carpet cleaning and other home upkeep is often the very last thing that a busy mother has on her mind when prepping her child to go back to school for yet another year of education. However, we at Jersey Steamer Carpet Cleaning Services believe that having a back to school season around the corner is one of the very best reasons why parents should be more concerned about the cleanliness of their own home. Here’s why!
- Back to School means more student parties, more time when kids are hanging out at your home, and more parent meetings that take place at home. School season is often a major social season for kids and parents alike, and that means that you are going to be playing host to a lot of different events soon. You don’t want them to see a dirty carpet or scuffed floors when they walk in, do you?
- Now that your kids are back in school, your carpet and flooring will be less likely to be messed up as frequently. Parents who really miss seeing a spotless floor can rejoice at this time of year, and also get an even cleaner floor by calling up a local steam cleaning company. Steam cleaning your carpets and drapes can be a different way to engage in a little bit of autumnal cleaning.
- Autumn is also a major allergy season, and that can cause problems for your child while they are doing their homework. Have you ever tried to do homework while you have the sniffles? It’s not pleasant. And carpets, drapes, and stone floors can all collect dust, pollen and grime that can cause allergies in children. Don’t they deserve a cleaner home to do their homework in?
- When kids track mud on your carpet, you will want to get that out ASAP. Sports season tends to run around the same time as fall in many cases, and for some kids, that means entering the house with dirty cleats. Tracking mud on your carpet can damage carpet fibers, and also turn into a major eyesore. A quick preventative cleaning with Scotchguard treatments can help you avoid major damage through the fall season.
- There’s something to be said about giving everything an overhaul along with the new school year. In many ways, a new school year acts as a new year for a family. Giving your home a full maintenance cleaning not only helps refresh your home (and keep your home intact) but also helps you refresh your spirits after a lazy or hectic summer.
At Jersey Steamer Carpet Cleaning Services, every season is a good carpet cleaning season. When your family is preparing to send your children off to school, take the time to give us a call. We will be happy to help you refresh your home, keep your children less likely to have allergy attacks, and also help you refresh your spirits as the new school year unfolds.
Neptune ,
Phone: (732) 775-2503