By Jim DeMont Jersey Steamer
Carpet cleaning and spot removal are important in creating a healthy home environment. Many of the carpet cleaners and spotters sold in stores contain harmful chemicals. It suggested not to use such chemicals because of the availability of natural, gentler cleaning agents.
The harsher cleaning products may not be extremely harmful, but many of them for sale today are inappropriate to be used especially in households where there are little children. Since children spend much of their time playing on the floor, they are more likely to come in contact with residue from chemicals. There have been reported cases of children becoming ill because of these un-safe chemicals. Harsh chemicals are known for their negative impact on the environment and are suggested to be replaced. When disposed of in an improper manner, they are noted for polluting waterways as well as harming wild life.
It’s important to clean up spills as soon as possible to prevent staining. It is much easier to clean spills immediately than it is if you let them soak into the carpet for a long time. You can usually remove unsightly spots with a natural cleaning solution.
Many times it can be more cost effective to make your own cleaning solutions instead of buying them from a store. Baking soda and vinegar are two noteworthy homemade cleaners used in removing stains. A little vinegar and baking soda mixed together has been known to remove newly stained areas on rugs. The baking soda can be poured; give it time to soak in the stain, afterwards you can vacuum in up.
Thankfully, there are more and more natural spot cleaners finding their way to store shelves. One of the green cleaners is called Eco Mist carpet cleaner. Not only is it safe and non-toxic, but it also removes stains well. In order to avoid using strong chemicals, one might find alternatives in the grocery store or online which are all natural.
Just because you’re hiring a professional cleaner you don’t necessarily have to have harsh chemicals used on your carpet. Cleaners are now incorporating green and all natural cleaners into their cleaning system in order to appeal to customers. Don’t be fooled into believing that only strong chemicals will remove stains. In order to make an informed decision, you will want to do some research on the carpet cleaners you intend to hire.
You will want to rinse of any rented carpet cleaning equipment, because it has been used you are not sure what kind of chemicals the previous person was using. This can guarantee that you will not be putting any chemicals onto your carpet that could be harmful.
Try to stay away from chemicals and make some effort to use green products as well as all natural products. Plus, using homemade cleaners will save you money while you’re at it.