Mar 28, 2022
Recently Cleaned: Salvation Army in Asbury Park When looking for a professional family-owned steam cleaning service near Asbury Park NJ you have to consider Jersey Steamer. After all, we’ve been the #1 Carpet Cleaner in Monmouth, Ocean, and Mercer Counties for...
Dec 15, 2021
Recently Cleaned: Temple in Deal, NJ 07723 Anytime you have a large congregation of people you’ll get a lot of grime. Dirt builds up wherever there is a lot of foot traffic. Dirt & grime will damage your floor surfaces. That is why it’s best to call a...
Dec 1, 2021
Recently Cleaned: Earle Naval Base Greasy Kitchen Sandy Hook/Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey When the government asks we are always willing to clean. So when officials at Earle Naval Base in Sandy Hook/Atlantic Highlands called us to come in and clean their commercial...
Oct 18, 2021
Recently Cleaned: Restaurant in Matawan, NJ Restaurants are a big part of our Commercial Steam Cleaning Services at Jersey Steamer. Restaurants usually have a lot of high-traffic areas that get filthy with dirt and grime. If your floors are in a restaurant...
May 1, 2021
Carpet cleaning has become a necessary chore especially, in this time, when COVID-19 is coming up with a double triple mutant when a clean and hygienic environment is a must for the survival of human beings on the planet. Carpets carry numerous allergens and dust...
Apr 25, 2021
Having a carpet at home is a normal thing, but what is critical is to ensure the hygiene and proper maintenance of it. You may be puzzled between hiring a professional or using your own hands to get the job done. Here, we have come up with the differences between...