Give Mom A Break!

At Jersey Steamer Cleaning Services, we love our moms. They’re always there for us when we need them, and they always seem to be the ones who bear the brunt of the household chores year-round. This Mother’s Day, we have a suggestion for families who want to make mom happy. Instead of offering her the regular chocolates or flowers, why not give her a break from the regular chores? If you’re ready to give Mom a mini-vacation, we at Jersey Steamer have some ideas for you.

  • Does Mom have a favorite couch or chair? If so, she might want to see it revitalized and cleaned. While you can definitely just vacuum the couch, steam cleaning the upholstery will give your furniture the brightness it had back when it was new and in the store.
  • Is Mom tired of mopping up the kitchen floor? Many kitchens often end up with dirty tile simply because of all the messes that naturally occur while cooking, feeding kids, and just doing every day things. Mopping up all those messes is never fun, and often can be a big pain for moms. A good way to make mom smile is to do all the kitchen cleaning for her, or get her kitchen floor professionally cleaned.
  • Cook a favorite meal for Mom, and clean up the dishes afterwards. Assuming that Mom doesn’t like cooking, making a special meal for her will show her how much you care while also giving her a break from her least favorite chore. Luckily for those who aren’t culinarily inclined, there are plenty of cookbooks and online tutorials that make this doable.
  • If your Mom absolutely hates vacuuming or cleaning the carpet, get it done professionally. At Jersey Steamer, we’re still amazed at how many families choose to get carpets cleaned for Mother’s Day. However, it does make sense. The carpet needs to be cleaned regardless, so why not get it cleaned professionally so that Mom doesn’t have to do it?
  • Another common cleaning-themed gift that we suggest is cleaning the bathroom. No one likes cleaning the bathroom. Imagine being able to show Mom that the entire bathroom is spotless – from the tile, to the sink, to the mirror, to the toilet. Trust us when we say that every mom is appreciative of not having to deal with this chore.
  • Does your mom do all the laundry in the house? If so, then it may be time to do the next batch on your own. Laundry can be pretty tedious and often ranks high on the least-liked chores lists.

Mother’s Day only comes once a year, but the truth is that we should remember to be good to our moms every single day. If you want to give your mom a break or a spotless home, it’s time to give Jersey Steamer a call. We are more than happy to help you make sure that your mom will be able to relax and enjoy a day without chores this upcoming Mother’s Day.

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