1. Zap scum and mildew. Before you grab your favorite tub-and-tile spray cleaner, ventilate the room by opening a window or at least the door. Then work on the shower in three vertical sections — this will cut down on fumes and prevent the cleaner from drying before you wipe it. Spray the first section, covering both tile and tub, and give it a few minutes to penetrate (use the time to go get a cup for the next step). Now, spray the second section, and let it soak while you clean the first. With a wet scrubber sponge (i.e., one with a no-scratch scouring pad), wipe down the first area, using wide strokes to cover the most surface in the least time; rinse the sponge. Fill your cup with water and rinse the cleaned area. When the first section is done, spray the third section, then wipe and rinse the second, followed by the third. For any remaining grout stains, mix up one part bleach and two parts water in a spray bottle. Let it soak in for a few minutes. Turn on the shower for a minute so it can self-rinse, and give any outside-of-the-stream spots a quick splash with your cup.

2. Clear the drain. It’s a real downer to stand in a puddle because your drain’s stopped up. Most likely, the clog culprit is hair. To fix: Untwist a wire hanger and slide one end inside the drain to poke down or pull out any clumps of hair. Then mix 1/4 cup ammonia in a quart of boiling water, and pour it into the drain to dissolve soap coating the pipes.

3. Restore the spray. If the water from your showerhead is shooting in all directions, or your low-flow has become a no-flow, the holes in your showerhead are probably clogged with minerals. Wipe the dry debris from the holes with the scrubber sponge you used for the tile. Still not spraying straight? Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water (you’ll need about 1 cup), and pour it into a plastic bag. Put the plastic bag around the showerhead so the holes are immersed in the liquid, and secure the bag to the shaft with a twist tie. Allow it to soak at least 15 to 20 minutes (up to an hour if you can). Remove the bag and wipe away loosened deposits; run the shower on hot to flush the holes. Aah, now don’t you crave a nice, long shower?

Of course the best products to use when cleaning is our new line of green HomePro products.  For a limited time you can save 25% on our Home Pro Spring Cleaning Kit: https://www.hpbyd.com/jersey


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