There are many ways in which you can make your house feel cosy and warm. It could be with the colors that you have used to paint your walls or the furniture. However this time you should try using rugs. They are absolutely chic and still traditional at the same time. Rugs are of many types. Having an overdyed rug is one way to make your house look as though it jumped off a lifestyle magazine. Using rugs here and there is decorative way to add charm and personality to your dwelling nest. They will help you create a look and feel for a room. Choosing the over-dyed rug way is the best for you.
So you might be wondering what we are talking about when we say ‘overdyed rug’. There is actually a story behind this that is quite interesting to say the least. The journey of the over-dyed rug began in Istanbul, Turkey. The Turkish weavers in their attempt to renew old hand women rugs introduced what we call the over-dyed rugs. Vintage rugs were first neutralized then over-dyed. The upshot was uniquely fantastic. It was actually a piece of art! The mixture of the traditional designs with a touch of contemporary became the celebration of colors.
With the above information, there is no way that you would not want to have this beauty to grace the walls or floor of your home. An overdyed rug will first and foremost impact the sense of sight. When one comes to your house, the first thing that will get their attention is that beauty. An over-dyed rug creates visual attention with eye-catching antique designs and its bold colors. Another sense that these rugs appeal is touch. When you are barefoot on this loveliness you have instant relief especially after you were stepping on a cold floor. Here are reasons why you should have rugs in your home.
You may have a small house and you might be wondering how to make it look more spacious, well the magic of an overdyed rug will do just that for you. In a cluttered place these rugs with their light colors and elaborate designs will make the room look very spacious and airy. This is actually an illusion that they create. When you have in your house this over-dyed rug, you are sure to make people feel secure and safe at home.
Rugs can be used to make the room the point of conversation. With the bold dark and strong patterns that these rugs have, has become the focal points themselves. A light colored area rug placed under matching furniture can totally highlight the furniture. If the furniture is dark, you can always find bright looking rugs to bring out the rest of the furniture more. Rugs can be used to complement a place actually causes a transformation of the room. With the right rugs, we have a wonderful opportunity to create any mood or look as we want in our rooms.