The Jersey Steamer Cleaning Service Clean Up Guide For Grad Parties

We at Jersey Steamer know how much care hosts put into piecing together the best possible environment for parties. We’ve seen families from Deal clean up for a birthday party. We’ve seen families in Long Branch tidy their homes for baby showers. During Christmas time, the entire area is always bustling with moms and dads prepping their homes for the inevitable holiday get-togethers. During these months, what we usually get requests for is cleaning for a graduation party. Here’s what we suggest doing before the big day.

  • Wipe down the kitchen and bathroom with bleach. A spotless kitchen and bathroom will make people feel comfortable in your home. This is especially true if you have friends who are neat freaks or tend to have a very high cleanliness standard. Besides, who wants to eat at a home that seems to be too dirty to keep food safe?
  • Declutter, and pick up toys. The easiest way to make your home look lightyears better is to pick up all the knickknacks that tend to accumulate in kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms, and put them in a place that isn’t visible to guests’ eyes. This also will free up extra space for socializing and food presentations.
  • Sweep wooden floors. Actually, polishing them might not be a bad idea, either.
  • Steam clean your carpets. If you have pollen-sensitive guests or have a carpet that looks like it’s seen a couple of bad days, you might want to consider steam cleaning your carpet. Not only does a professional cleaning job give your carpet a better overall appearance, but it also removes bad smells that tend to accumulate in carpeting fibers.
  • Get your upholstery cleaned professionally. This is a must if you have sofas or loveseats with suspect stains, or a couch that just has seen too many parties and spills. Good upholstery cleaning done by professionals can lift out stains without damaging the sensitive fibers. The end result is a plush, soft couch the looks good as new.
  • Buy a nice bouquet of flowers as a table centerpiece. Who doesn’t like seeing some fresh flowers as they walk into a graduation party? It’s just plain nice, and it offers a very appealing floral scent to perfume your room.

Basically, what you want to do when preparing for any party, be it a grad party or a family reunion, is to work to create a clean, open and inviting environment in your home. If you notice something that could be considered beneficial to that end goal, you should consider doing it.

If you need carpets cleaned, tile cleaned, or upholstery professionally cared for, never fear! Jersey Steamer is here and ready to help you put your home together. As New Jersey’s #1 family-owned business, we make sure that our clients get the care they need, when they need it. Don’t wait for your grad party date to sneak up on you – call us today for a consultation.

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