What does time do to the stone flooring of your house?

When you purchase a home with a stone floor or you install such flooring in your home, the last thing you think about is the sensitivity and maintenance processes connected to stone floor. Natural stone or marble floor looks amazing, many people choosing such floors for their elegant appearance and their sturdiness in time. Well, yes, a stone floor is sturdy, but it is also very susceptible to scratches, and to get stained by various liquid spilling, losing its beauty and shine in time. So, the result will be a stone floor that looks dirtier and dirtier, no matter how often you brush and wash it.

But, why does this happen? Why do stone floors end up looking like this? Most people choose the stone floor, or are mesmerized by a house that has a stone floor, without doing some research to see what it implies to have stone floors. It will need to be periodically restores, which means to have an in depth cleaning and polishing so that dust and dirt, plus stains, will not adhere to the surface of the stone for a good while. This is an operation that should be done periodically, the frequency of the resurfacing depending on the type of stone you have. Some types of stone are more porous than others, meaning that you will have to do the restoration operation more often. The main idea is that no matter what type of stone floor or marble floor you have, you should not wait too long until you opt for a stone floor restoration. Why? Because your beloved stone floor will only look dirtier and unattractive, making you forget the initial splendor the stone had when you bought and install it on your home.

How we help in stone resurfacing?

Would you like to know what can be done so that your stone floor looks brand new? A team of specialists that know how to properly restore a stone floor will know what to do according to the status and type of your stone floor. The stone floor will be cleaned properly, stained removed if the case, polished and sealed so that grime will stop adhering to it. Thus, you will fall in love, once again, with the stone that used to mesmerize you through its incredible aesthetic properties. Why wait when you can enjoy the services offered by trained professionals for handling this matter? Why work so hard and spend so much money on all sort of cleaning products that never pay the desired results? You see, once the protective layer of seal stops doing its job, the surface of the stone will not only absorb dust, but will also absorb the detergent you are trying to use to restore its beauty. This is why you will never manage to make it clean again, just like it once was, without a restoration operation.

So don’t wait any longer and treat your stone floor as it should be treated.  The right team of professionals will know what needs to be done so that you will end up enjoying the same type of floor you initially installed. 

Jersey Steamer provides the highest quality results with our Marble Refinishing Technique. We Specialize in Marble Restoration and Marble Polishing.

Call for an appointment today!

(732) 775-2503 or (609) 888-1700

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