Apr 14, 2020
Hello All I am writing to you to let you know that I have been studying how Jersey Steamer Cleaning Services can help with the Coronavirus. I know that there is a lot of misinformation out there and my object is to disseminate it for you from the Jersey Steamer...
Mar 17, 2020
WE USE NATURE-FRIENDLY METHODS ONLY Did you know that several kinds of cleaning chemicals can actually damage your hard-surfaced floors and their finishes? Jersey Steamer understands your floors are a significant investment in your home. That’s why we are committed to...
May 30, 2018
WHY YOU NEED TO HIRE A PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING COMPANY With the party season soon upon us, many are already making a mental list of the parties they plan to attend or plan to throw. The season is excellent for bringing together friends, family, and loved ones....
May 24, 2018
Guest list: check. Caterer: check. Gifts: check. Pet spot in the middle of Aunt Betty’s oriental rug: oh no! You’ve planned the perfect day and now this. Don’t panic. Call Jersey Steamer Cleaning Services. New Jersey’s highest-rated family-owned and operated carpet...
Mar 20, 2017
It is time to put the Winter weather behind you and let someone else take on the “burden” of Spring Cleaning.” That is where Jersey Steamer comes in handy because we come to your home and make it shine from drapes to natural stone floors to carpets...
Mar 17, 2017
ICE MLET AND ROCK SALT DESTROY YOUR FLOORS! Melting all the snow and ice that has fallen in your driveway is absolutely necessary if you want to avoid slipping and falling. It’s why snow melters like rock salt are so popular. As good as rock salt can be for your...