Reasons To Hire Professional Carpet Cleaning Services before the holiday

Thе аvаilаbilitу оf equipment to сlеаn уоur carpet with has inсrеаѕеd оvеr thе last ten уеаrѕ. Thеrе wаѕ a timе whеn hоmе оwnеrѕ соuld not аffоrd to оwn thеir оwn ѕtеаm cleaners fоr carpets. Tоdау уоu саn easily buу one оf these items fоr lеѕѕ thаn оnе hundred...
Carpet cleaning service in New Jersey

Carpet cleaning service in New Jersey

Jersey Steamer Cleaning Service Launched on January 1, 2008, Jersey Steamer Cleaning Services is a family owned and operated cleaning business that offers on-time, convenient carpet cleaning appointments that meet your cleaning needs. We have over 500 five star...
Why you should never wait to do a stone floor restoration

Why you should never wait to do a stone floor restoration

What does time do to the stone flooring of your house? When you purchase a home with a stone floor or you install such flooring in your home, the last thing you think about is the sensitivity and maintenance processes connected to stone floor. Natural stone or marble...
Stone Restoration and Resurfacing

Stone Restoration and Resurfacing

Let the sun glisten in on your newly polished and protected natural stone. Jersey Steamer does not just clean the chemicals, dirt, and soil from your carpets but we also specialize in the cleaning of natural stone. Though it is extremely durable for the Winter season,...

Valentine’s Day gift of a renewed carpet

They say that if you are happy in your surroundings, it makes for a happier you. That being said, how does one improve their home space to bring love, joy, and happiness to this area? You may work from home, only be there to sleep or you may do a lot of entertaining;...