Oct 15, 2015
Halloween is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, non-religious party holidays in the US. This means that most families in the Central New Jersey region will want to either attend a party thrown by friends, or have a party of their own. If you’re in the latter...
Oct 12, 2015
Here are some insider tips on what to look for in hiring a professional cleaning company. First, don’t just hire the cheapest company in your city. With a service, cheaper isn’t always better. Chances are, the cheap price cleaners use cheap equipment,...
Oct 5, 2015
NJ’s Number 1 Family Owned Carpet Cleaner Autumn is one of the most common times for Jersey Steamer to get allergy-related cleaning requests. Considering all the mold that can waft onto floors from the leaves outside, it’s totally understandable. Even with the...
Sep 1, 2015
Summer is now over, and the kids are heading back to school. If you’re a proud parent who has managed to overcome all the hassle of summer without losing your mind, congrats! It’s time to get the house in order again. At Jersey Steamer, we’ve seen plenty of homes in...
Jul 15, 2015
Oh no! Pet Messes! Getting a brand new puppy, bunny, or kitten is a wonderful experience. We should know – many of our staff members at Jersey Steamer Cleaning Services have pets. Moreover, Monmouth and Ocean counties are both known for being very pet-friendly....
Jul 8, 2015
Jersey Steamer your Local Carpet Cleaning Service has seen a lot of crazy stuff happen in Deal and Point Pleasant – particularly around the time that camping season rolls around. When kids are out at overnight camps, most homes manage to stay somewhat clean. It’s when...