Oh no! Pet Messes!

Oh no! Pet Messes! Getting a brand new puppy, bunny, or kitten is a wonderful experience. We should know – many of our staff members at Jersey Steamer Cleaning Services have pets. Moreover, Monmouth and Ocean counties are both known for being very pet-friendly....

Summertime With Kids Can Lead To Nasty Spills

Jersey Steamer your Local Carpet Cleaning Service has seen a lot of crazy stuff happen in Deal and Point Pleasant – particularly around the time that camping season rolls around. When kids are out at overnight camps, most homes manage to stay somewhat clean. It’s when...

Jersey Steamer – Because BBQ Sauce Doesn’t Clean Itself

The 4th of July is one of the biggest holiday s for a family barbeque to take place, and it’s also one of the best times to hang out in nature while watching an amazing lightshow in the sky. During this time, most families are not thinking about the mess that they’ll...

The Jersey Steamer Clean Up Guide For Grad Parties!

The Jersey Steamer Cleaning Service Clean Up Guide For Grad Parties We at Jersey Steamer know how much care hosts put into piecing together the best possible environment for parties. We’ve seen families from Deal clean up for a birthday party. We’ve seen families in...

The Dangers Of Ice Melter

Melting all the snow and ice that has fallen in your driveway is absolutely necessary if you want to avoid slipping and falling. It’s why snow melters like rock salt are so popular. As good as rock salt can be for your driveway, it’s absolutely terrible for your...

Shag Rugs – A Perfect Candidate For Professional Cleaning

While we always will suggest getting every carpet cleaned on a regular basis, we at Jersey Steamer are very well aware of the fact that some kinds of carpets will need professional cleanings a lot more than others. Some carpets are just very difficult to clean without...